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Monday, May 28, 2012

A Dream of my Dad

Early this morning I had a lucid dream -- lucid dreams seem real at the time, as though you are really living in that particular space and time and nothing else exists. I had a dream about my father. He died in November of 2010 and not a day goes by that I don't grieve for him. I wonder when it will stop. But, God sent me a happy dream about him today and it filled me with so much joy I wanted to cry -- and I did weep in my dream (which woke me up). In the dream I was with my Mom in her bedroom that she and Dad shared for over 50 years. We were laying on the bed and talking like we so often do or at least we did before Dad died. Suddenly I was aware that my Dad was also laying on the bed and I reached over and took his hand and stroked his hand lovingly. I looked at Mom and said to her that Dad was right here and I was holding his hand -- and asked her to hold his hand too. She looked at my hand as if she were blind and I could tell that she couldn't see Dad's hand holding mine. As I stated earlier, I was so happy I was crying and woke up pretty quickly. I laid in bed thinking about why Mom could not see Dad and I suddenly thought "she doesn't have faith". I thought about that for a while and realized that Mom has struggled with the concept of faith for as long as I can remember. She asked me years ago if I thought heaven was real -- she genuinely wanted to know. I don't think I convinced her. I view my dream as a confirmation from God - a gift that my Dad's soul is eternal and that I will see him again. I miss him more than one can express.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wow, kindness abounds…

Wow, kindness abounds…
(click on the link above) I try to visit The Crescat weekly and read her blog of May 24th where she bares her soul and confesses to having two abortions. I am deeply impressed with her courage and humility when she wrote this piece on abortion - it is worth reading. One of the responses to her blog was gut wrenching -- here it is: She received a response from a reader telling her that he wished he could have helped a young man who was trying to talk his girlfriend out of having an abortion. They gave him a little plastic fetus so she could see the infant inside, but she still had the abortion anyway. The young man came out of the clinic heart-broken and asked if he could keep the little plastic fetus - it was all that he had left. Doesn't this story break your heart?
Our babies souls fly to heaven when their bodies are destroyed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today is my first sons 33rd birthday - how the time rushes by. I can remember so clearly holding him in my arms, kissing him, and snuggling. He grew faster than I could ever imagine into a beautiful and loving man. He's a strong man - not just physically; and he is able to shelter so many within his protective embrace, and take on so many burdens. I worry about him...his health, his happiness, his soul. But, whenever I think upon him, there is so much joy that fills my soul that I am sure everything will be just fine with him in this life.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The culture of Materialism

“Since the remotest times, attention to others has moved the Church to show concrete signs of solidarity with those in need, sharing resources, promoting simpler lifestyles, going against an ephemeral culture which has disappointed many and determined a profound spiritual crisis,” Pope Benedict
. - VIS

Friday, May 11, 2012

To love means.....

“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” G.K.Chesterton

Monday, May 7, 2012

St Louis de Montfort said to sinners: If you say faithfully the Rosary until death, I assure you, despite the gravity of your sins you will receive a “never fading crown of glory” [1 Pet 5:4]. Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have sold your soul to the devil as sorcerers do, and even if you are a heretic as obstinate as a devil, sooner or later you will be converted. You will amend your life and save your soul if you say the Holy Rosary devoutly, every day until death for the purpose of knowing the truth; and obtaining contrition and pardon for your sins. - St Louis de Montfort, “The Secret of the Rosary” source from Abbey-Roads blog

Way Chapel in Alaska

Way Chapel in Alaska

Way Chapel in Alaska. I cannot remember the name of it. They made it out of a quansit hut. It was tiny, but I really felt God's spirit there.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Crowning of Our Lady

MARY Ark of the covenant Cause of our joy Comforter of the afflicted Co-Redemptrix (not a defined doctrine of the Catholic Church) Mary, Favoured Daughter of the Father Gate of Heaven Health of the sick Help of Christians Holy Mary Holy Mother of God Holy Virgin of virgins House of gold The Immaculate Heart Mirror of justice Morning Star Mother inviolate Mother most admirable Mother most amiable Mother most chaste Mother most pure Mother of Christ Mother of divine grace Mother of good counsel Mother of our Creator Mother of our Redeemer Mother of Sorrows Mother of the Son Mother undefiled Mystical rose Queen of Angels Queen of Heaven Queen of Patriarchs Queen of Prophets Queen of Apostles Queen of Martyrs Queen of Confessors Queen of Virgins Mary, Queen of all Saints Queen conceived without original sin Queen of the most holy Rosary Queen of peace Refuge of sinners Seat of wisdom Singular vessel of devotion Spiritual vessel Mary,Spouse of the Holy Spirit Tower of David Tower of ivory Vessel of honor Virgin most prudent Virgin most venerabl Virgin most renowned Virgin most powerful Virgin most merciful Virgin most faithful